Sunday: 5 mile run
Monday: 4 mile run
Wednesday: 8 mile run
Saturday: 18 mile run
Total: 35 miles!
I have not been blogging much because I have been working more than usual, getting the girls adjusted to being back at school, dealing with a sick dog, and trying to keep up the training for Columbus Marathon. Whew! The running has been really erratic. In lieu of the usual morning run, I have had to squeeze in running in the late afternoon or evening. My body does not like that. I feel sluggish and it is soooooooo hot then. The biggest reason I don't like running in the afternoon/evening is that people are crabby. Really crabby. No eye contact, no friendly smiles, no cheerful banter. Just crabby, crabby, crabby.
Today was wonderful though! I was able to get out and running by 8 am. It was so nice and cool. I even had some goosebumps going! I did two 9-mile loops from our house. All my old morning peeps were out on the path and it was like old homeday. Gosh, I missed those smiling morning faces. One of the morning regular walkers noticed I had my fuel-belt on and gave a cheer as I passed him for the second time. I saw another couple that I have seen regularly since I started running marathons and we exchanged hellos and where-have-you-been's. I chatted with a man who had his 6-month old golden retriever off leash on the trail section. It was such fun that I hated to see the 18 miles pass by so quickly. Truth be told I was terrified that I would not make it through today's run, but it was pure joy. I was smiling all day.
In terms of family fitness it is pretty much status quo. Abby is in cross country mode and has her first meet on Tuesday. Go Tigers! It is looking like a nice strong girls team this year and that is exciting. She has a goal time of under 14 minutes for the 2 mile race. I think she will reach that with no problem if it ever cools down. Gina is on break from swim team and anxious to start up again. Her exercise is mainly coming from marching band lately - sweating away in the mid-day sun for an hour or so every afternoon. I think that's work. Jerry is running a few times a week. Nothing major. His recovery from BR100 has gone well and he is also anxious to start up again although no races have been set.
Vegetarian diet status is also being maintained and quite well at that. I recently read that only 3% of Americans claim to be vegetarians. Wow! We watched Food, Inc a couple of weeks ago and that just solidified the decision to not eat meat. The girls pack their lunches everyday for school and we are learning a few more ways to expand our food plans. The only downside I have discovered is not being able to fry eggs in bacon grease! I really miss that.......