Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Book Quote

Sunday:  2.2 miles treadmill intervals, 30 minutes strength stuff
Monday:  45 minutes yoga, 4.6 miles treadmill intervals
Tuesday:  2.2 miles treadmill intervals
Wednesday:  2.2 miles treadmill intervals
Friday:  6.5 miles treadmill
Saturday:  4 miles outside

....And the snow just keeps piling up!  I am so thankful for my treadmill and my nice finished basement (thank you, Jerry!)  I know it will get old fast, but it sure beats slipping and sliding on the icy paths and climbing through snow drifts.

A couple of months ago I left a comment on the MamaSweat blog.  If you have never visited this blog you should check it out.  The particular blog post was regarding pelvic floor issues.  I know that might sound like a yucky topic for a blog post, but it seemed to light a fire in many a reader, including myself.  I like to think of myself as an incredibly healthy 44-year-old woman, but there are some things that all the healthy living in the world just can't seem to undo:  like what happened to my bladder after two pregnancies.  As each pregnancy drew to an end, my bladder felt like it had the capacity of a raisin.  We have been brainwashed as women to believe that kegel excercises would help.  That was what the blog post was about that I commented on - an anti-kegel sort of thing.

Then I received an email asking if my rather embarrassing comment could be used as a quote in an upcoming book called "Hot (Sweaty) Mamas:  Five Secrets to Life as a Fit Mom."  I think I laughed until I cried - that would be my luck to finally get something in print, and it is about something so embarrassing I never even told my husband about it.  The book will be out in the spring.  You will have to buy it if you want to know the details, but I am not sure I want you to unless you are a marathon running mommy who might understand what it's like to run for a couple of hours with a somewhat compromised system. 

 Men just have it so easy!